If you get: RequestError: Failure establishing ssh session: -5, Unable to exchange encryption keys while requesting... Try and upgrade to Julia 1.9.4. It seems to be a bug in an underlying library.
If it does not work, check your known_hosts file in your .ssh directory. ED25519 keys do not seem to work.
Use the ssh-keyscan tool: From command line, execute: ssh-keyscan [hostname]. Add the ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 line to your knownhosts file. This file is located in your .ssh-directory. This is directory is located in C:\Users\{youruser}\.ssh on Windows and ~/.ssh on Linux.
___Note: Setting up certificate authentication___
To set up certificate authentication, create the certificates in the ~/.ssh/idrsa and ~/.ssh/ files. On Windows these are located in C:\Users\{your user}\.ssh.
Then use the function sftp = SFTP("s", "myuser") to create a SFTP type.
Example files
___in "known_hosts"___ ssh-rsa sdsadxcvacvljsdflsajflasjdfasldjfsdlfjsldfj
___in "id_rsa"___
––-BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY––- ..... cu1sTszTVkP5/rL3CbI+9rgsuCwM67k3DiH4JGOzQpMThPvolCg=
___in id_rsa.pub___ ssh-rsa AAAAB3...SpjX/4t Comment here
After setting up the files, test using your local sftp client: