Julia SFTP Client

An SFTP Client for Julia.

A julia package for communicating with SFTP Servers, supporting username and password, or certificate authentication.

SFTPClient Features

- readdir
- download
- upload 
- cd
- walkdir
- rm 
- rmdir
- mkdir
- mv
- sftpstat (like stat, but more limited)

SFTPClient Installation

Install by running:

import Pkg;Pkg.add("SFTPClient")

SFTPClient Examples

    using SFTPClient
    sftp = SFTP("sftp://test.rebex.net/pub/example/", "demo", "password")
    # On Windows, replace this with an appropriate path
    SFTPClient.download.(sftp, files, downloadDir=downloadDir)
    #You can also use it like this
    df=DataFrame(CSV.File(SFTPClient.download(sftp, "/mydir/test.csv")))

    # For certificate authentication, you can do this (since 0.3.8)
    sftp = SFTP("sftp://mysitewhereIhaveACertificate.com", "myuser", "cert.pub", "cert.pem")
    # The cert.pem is your certificate (private key), and the cert.pub can be obtained from the private # key as following: ssh-keygen -y  -f ./cert.pem. Save the output into "cert.pub".